OnceHub | Blog

How our customers use ScheduleOnce

Written by Rami Goraly | May 21, 2012

Last week Matt Ackerson from Petovera shared with me a blog post in which he described the different ways in which he is using ScheduleOnce in his web design company. His post really inspired me to share with you some of the ways in which our customers use ScheduleOnce.

So here is a list of the common use cases categorized into three areas: Sales & Marketing, Training & support and Operational efficiency:

Sales & Marketing

Customer appointments

ScheduleOnce is used by many service professionals as the core appointment system for scheduling appointments with clients. For example coaching appointments, tutoring appointments, Photography and many more.

Lead generation

ScheduleOnce is used as a means to capture the best leads of the business by giving these leads a VIP route to a personal session with a representative that already knows what they are looking for. ScheduleOnce does not replace the traditional web contact form. It ensures that high quality leads can receive the VIP treatment that they expect.

Conferences and shows

ScheduleOnce is used by sales to schedule customer and prospect meetings in conferences and shows. ScheduleOnce helps these organizations maximize the reach and coverage of their sales resources.

Training & support

Scheduling support sessions

ScheduleOnce is used by support organizations to schedule one on one sessions when online or real-time resolution is required. Most support issues can be handled by email but those that do need a call or web session are best scheduled by ScheduleOnce.

Scheduling training sessions

ScheduleOnce is used as a means for customers to schedule training sessions with the organization’s training staff.

Operational efficiency

Group meetings and conference calls

ScheduleOnce is used to find the best time for group meetings. Whether for a local team, or for multinational conference calls across multiple time zones.

Booking resources

ScheduleOnce is used to book conference rooms either automatically or with an approval process.

Advising appointments

ScheduleOnce is used by many educators and professors for scheduling advising appointments with their students.

Interview scheduling

Many recruiting firms and recruiters in large organizations use ScheduleOnce to schedule candidate interviews.

Market research

Market research firms are using ScheduleOnce to schedule survey appointments with customers.

Apartment showing

Many realtors use ScheduleOnce to schedule apartment showings and property inspections.

This is quite a long list but I am sure that it does not cover everything. Can you share with us other ways in which you are using ScheduleOnce? We would love to hear from you!