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Digital Decluttering: More than spring cleaning your desktop

Written by Dante Ludolf | March 9, 2023

Digital spring cleaning

The advent of the digital age brought many wonderful additions to our daily experience like smart scheduling, access to information and the ability to conduct professional services in a much more timely fashion. 

With this onrush of access and information, however, we’ve also been introduced to a similarly new but slightly less appealing concept that we nevertheless have to deal with; the unrivaled mess that is digital clutter. 

Our capacity for activity sees a sharp increase when we factor in the productivity tools that the digital landscape provides but as with most good things, it comes at a cost. Our proclivity for information, both in receiving and providing it, means that there is simply so much more stuff to sift through and sort and ultimately, make sense of. 

Digital cleaning tips 

Our ability to filter is being tested and put under significant strain. Luckily there are ways we can counteract the overstimulation of the daily digital grind and bring some peace and clarity to our desktop, mailbox and platforms to help avert the dreaded info overload. 

Clean up your desktop 

One of the easiest ways to flex some cleaning acumen is the simple addition of a few principles regarding your desktop, tabs and how you go about making your to-do lists. 

Keep your actual desktop as clean as possible. There is simply no need for things to float around on there and distract you from where you invariably end up going for the most of your day anyway, that being your browser and your inbox. Make the first thing you see when you open your device in the morning a nice and clean background with only the bare minimum of shortcuts and icons to guide your eye. 

Additionally, keep the same energy when navigating your tabs. We’re all guilty of opening one too many of them and so often we don’t even get to the information we saved for later, instead opting to do a mass exit on all and try again tomorrow. Don’t get carried away with your tabs and keep your focus and attention on what matters and what matters now.

Following in the same vein, your to-do list should be a simple, one-stop-shop for tracking your pending items, not a veritable wall of post-its and bits and pieces that take more time to figure out than the tasks themselves take to accomplish. Consolidate your to-do list in one place, in a list format, not an intricate web, and make sure to tick them off as you go along. 

Tidy your sources by closing your tabs

A crucial step in managing information is managing where it comes from. The internet is full of people, places and products that are constantly vying for your attention and you will need to establish how and when you allow them to do that. 

There is nothing wrong with muting notifications, using Do Not Disturb mode and allocating specific times to check mails and engage with platforms of your choosing. Just because we have constant access does not mean we have to be constantly available and the sooner we collectively realize it, the better for all. 

Set your site up for success with a bit of spring cleaning 

Now we get to the fun part. Part of what makes owning a piece of digital real estate like a website, landing page or sales platform so exciting is that you really get to run wild with it and curate it to your tastes and specifications. 

With a little tweak here and there and some simple no-code additions to your online spaces you can transform your site into a functional, working piece of communication that is anything but static. 

If you’re looking to save yourself the hassles that come with the overconsumption of info and the ever-swirling sea of minutiae, chances are that the people who would like to do business with you or visit your pages are feeling very much the same way.

Digital cleanliness

Along with a clear linking strategy (if you produce content) and some smart use of negative space, having simple interactive elements like OnceHub’s scheduling tools and customizable chatbots can help bring some life into your site and give visitors a deeper sense of engagement and autonomy in the decisions they make on there. 

To see some of these interactive and intuitive no-code elements for yourself, check out this page, this page, and this page and sign up for free today so we can help get you started.