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6 Ways to Supercharge Your Sales Demos in 2020

Written by James Flower | January 10, 2020

A sales demo is a key moment to establish value for your product and create a lasting impression with your customer. If you fail to impress your prospect, you may have lost that sale forever.

In this article, we will show you how to raise your conversion rates by employing best practices with web scheduling tool ScheduleOnce.

Schedule while your lead is still hot

To improve the likelihood of conversion, it’s important to capture leads quickly. Offering scheduling through your website allows you to engage with prospects while they’re interested and gain their commitment to meet. Embed your booking page on your website with a clear call to action or integrate scheduling with your web forms, allowing prospects to schedule a meeting instantly.
Increase the conversion rate of your bookings and track a lead’s lifecycle from start to finish by creating a dedicated landing page that features your booking page. Include valuable and persuasive information, such as the benefits of your solution and testimonials from satisfied clients. Your landing page serves as another touchpoint to drive home your value proposition and present yourself as a trustworthy authority in your field. 

Create a landing page with integrated scheduling

To drive bookings and make it as visible as possible, promote the landing page on social media and in your email signature. If you are offering a webinar, the landing page can be used to increase registration and provide valuable data to your sales and marketing teams.  

In order to present your customers with a seamless experience that stays true to your branding, you can customize the colors and style to match. If you’d like to draw your customers’ eyes with a pop-up on the bottom of the screen, use the ScheduleOnce website widget, which also allows you to add your phone number and an email form so they can contact you through multiple channels. You can also offer scheduling through a button or website embed, depending on what suits your website’s design. 

Keep your booking page simple

How you configure your booking page plays an important part in moving a prospect down the funnel quickly. Keep it simple. Include one meeting type so there is no confusion about which path your prospect needs to follow. Selecting a date and time from your available timeslots should automatically generate a confirmed booking and notification. The aim is to make it as easy as possible to meet.

Use a web scheduling tool to book team members

Some demos require the presence of support team members or account executives. A web scheduling tool is the easiest way to coordinate team member availability without any hassle. 

With ScheduleOnce’s panel meetings feature, you can book specific team members from other departments quickly, including time-pressed technicians and subject matter experts. ScheduleOnce finds the best possible time for you, your customer, and your team members automatically, and secures that meeting slot in all your calendars. 

You can also configure a dynamic panel using resource pools, which selects the next available team member based on certain criteria. So if you need a specialist technician to join the meeting, but don’t have anyone specific in mind, one will be assigned from the resource pool.

Integrate with a great video conferencing app

Integrating a video conferencing app with your scheduling tool saves a lot of setup time and reduces the risk of things going wrong. Calls with leads can take place smoothly and start exactly on time, every time, with no confusion over how to join the meeting. You can also record your demo session for attendees to share with relevant stakeholders in their organization.

ScheduleOnce integrates with all major web conferencing tools: Zoom, GoToMeeting, and WebEx. Your prospects and customers receive the web conferencing details in the booking confirmation email, ensuring they have all the information they need without confusing them or cluttering their inbox with too many emails. 

Personalize your demo

Personalizing a demo is a great way to increase conversion, as it creates a connection between your prospect and your product, demonstrating that you understand their business. You want to communicate how your value proposition directly relates to their business.

Personalize the demo with information about that client to make it relevant. You can also share data from other client success stories. 

To create a strong demo, try to meet with a stakeholder a few days beforehand. Ask targeted questions that allow you to understand their use cases and pain points, along with all relevant stakeholders and their roles. Otherwise, the information can be sourced from their website or taken from publicly available data. According to one study, 63% of consumers expect a personalized experience from sales reps. 

With the right tools and a little bit of pre-planning, hosting successful demos can become standard practice and you’ll start seeing the return in no time.

Want to start scheduling demos with our web scheduling tool? Start your 14-day free trial now. 

Looking for some more sales advice? Discover 5 ways to turn your web forms into lead generating machines.