OnceHub | Resources

Indicate availability to schedule meeting

Written by Rami Goraly | January 9, 2012

Are you looking to schedule group meetings and need a tool that will allow your invites to indicate availability to schedule meeting? Then you have come to the right place.

ScheduleOnce is an availability-based meeting scheduler that allows each attendee to indicate her or his availability in a quick and easy manner. How does it work? You indicate your availability and then send a link to your invitees so that they can indicate their availability. ScheduleOnce then automatically identifies the overlapping times that work best for all. Are your invitee in multiple time zones? No worries, ScheduleOnce will do all the translations automatically.

ScheduleOnce can also connect to your calendar and ensure you never get double booked. It is a professional tool that will make your group scheduling a breeze. So wait no more. If you really need to indicate availability to schedule meeting get ScheduleOnce - you'll be happy you did.