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Life coach scheduling software

ScheduleOnce is a perfect life coach scheduling software. If you have a website you can embed the MeetMe page in your website and make the scheduling experience part of your online environment.

How does ScheduleOnce work? It connects to your personal calendar in real time and know when you are free based on your calendar. In ScheduleOnce you can then tell the system in which times you want to accept appointments. You can do that by entering a recurring availability pattern or by simply entering availability for specific date or a combination of both. The important thing is that it is all done visually in a quick and easy way.

Now when someone comes to your MeetMe page ScheduleOnce will look at the times in which you want to accept appointments and compare them with your calendar's busy time. If busy time from your calendar is present ScheduleOnce will block off that time and not show a free time slot. This ensures that you will not get double booked.

ScheduleOnce is a really great life coach scheduling software. Give it a try and start with the free trial by clicking the green button on the left.