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WebEx integration

Written by James Flower | April 27, 2020

ScheduleOnce offers a seamless WebEx integration that completely automates the provisioning of WebEx sessions. Our native WebEx integration helps save time, increase participation rates, and convey a professional image to your customers. Customers receive an email confirmation and the meeting details can be added to your Outlook or Google Calendar event. The ScheduleOnce WebEx integration can be used for prospect appointments, customer appointments, online classes, webinars, and more.

There are three ways to schedule a meeting in WebEx via ScheduleOnce.

  • When one-on-one appointments are scheduled, each booking creates a new WebEx session.
  • When group sessions and webinars are scheduled, each booking receives WebEx details for the same session.
  • When you offer session packages, a customer can book multiple sessions in one booking submission, receiving a unique meeting ID for each.

WebEx session details are an integral part of all ScheduleOnce notifications irrespective of the mode selected.

Features of WebEx integration

  • Scheduling one-on-one meetings and group sessions in WebEx: Each booking creates a new WebEx session. When multiple customers sign up for the same session, each booking receives the same details.
  • Automatic scheduling of a WebEx session: ScheduleOnce automates the creation of a WebEx session whenever a customer makes a booking. Each booking is assigned its unique WebEx session, ensuring each of your customer meetings remain completely private. The users also have the option of adding a password for their customers to enter the session.
  • Automatic generation of integrated notifications: Video conferencing information is an integral part of all ScheduleOnce notifications. On making a new booking, users and customers receive a single confirmation that includes the WebEx session details.
  • Integrated cancellation and rescheduling: On a booking cancellation or rescheduling by the customer or owner, the necessary updates are automatically made in WebEx, ensuring that all relevant parties receive the latest information.
  • Configuration by Booking page: The ScheduleOnce and WebEx integration provides direct access to WebEx audio settings. The WebEx video conferencing settings can be configured within your OnceHub account.
  • Integrated reassignment of bookings: On reassigning a booking from one user to another, and while both are connected to WebEx, the event ownership is updated automatically in WebEx. All future notifications will include the updated WebEx session details.

To learn more about our native WebEx integration, watch the video below.

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