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Use Slack, Google Chat, or Microsoft Teams to get Instant Live Chat Notifications: Oncehub

Written by Alison Mellon | June 10, 2022

ChatOnce is a smart chatbot solution that qualifies leads and connects them instantly with the right people in your team. No more delays or wasted sales opportunities!

To learn more about smart chatbots, check out our blog article on lead acceleration with ChatOnce.

How do your leads want to engage with your team?

We recently ran an experiment on our website to find out exactly how leads choose to engage, when given the choice.

From a sample group of over 100 website visitors:

  • More than 75% chose to engage instantly with our sales team over the option of scheduling a meeting
  • 66% of people chose to start an instant live chat over a scheduled meeting

The moral of the story, don't lose valuable leads by keeping them waiting. With ChatOnce, you can connect instantly with your leads using live chat.

Use smart chatbots to qualify leads for live chat

Live chat is an ideal way for your team to engage with qualified leads. They're already on your website and they've just submitted a form, so why not connect with them right away?

Sometimes, your website visitors just want to get quick answers from a chat with a real person. They don't want to search your entire website and they don't want to schedule a meeting for a later date. A live chat conversation saves them time but also gives them a direct connection with your team.

Never miss an important live chat with your leads ever again

You’re busy at your computer, responding to emails, writing up documents, or conducting discovery calls. Now you can receive notifications where you’re already working, so you never miss the chance to live chat with a qualified lead.

You can receive notifications for a new live chat request in three different ways:

Never miss an important live chat with your leads ever again!

How do I get started with ChatOnce?

If you're new to OnceHub, you can get started with a free Starter account. It's completely free for 3 users and also includes access to ScheduleOnce and FormOnce.

If you're an existing OnceHub user, you don't need to pay extra to start using ChatOnce! Your existing user licenses for live chat, instant meetings, or scheduled meetings will work across all our products. Why not get started with one of our ready-to-go templates?

Did you know?

A user license for live chat, instant meetings, or scheduled meetings works across all our products. You don't have to pay extra to use each product!