Take control of your time slot booking system with OnceHub

The demands of the always-on digital age and the widespread adoption of processes that accommodate instant gratification has changed the way in which we view logistics and efficiency and continues to do so in increasingly dramatic ways. 

Our time has never been more valuable and inversely, it has never been more rare either. Configuration and troubleshooting is now an imperative step in our time management and the back and forth of scheduling has been superseded by the urgent need to interrogate and optimize the way we spend our time. 

When you’re staring down the barrel of a fully booked day, there is very seldom room for error and time management becomes less of an overarching theme and more of a need to dedicate efforts and resources on an hourly basis. Let’s discuss some tips and tricks to effectively govern the demands of your day and make the most of all of your occupied time slots. 

What is time slot booking system management

Traditionally, time slot management exists in the realm of logistics and transport whereby customers can designate and notify deliverers of available slots and minutely arrange the reception of their package so as to ensure successful deliveries and receive their goods in an optimal state. 

As a whole, time slot management helps to create a reliable narrative that can be followed through from the warehouse to the delivery address and presents related tech and software with the requisite information to coordinate and optimize their processes. 

How does time slot booking system management apply to meetings

As advocates for the concept of the meeting journey builder and big fans of context overall, we think adopting some of the same principles used in time slot booking system management in how you construct and arrange your scheduled engagements can bode very well for you and your business. 

As with time slot management between recipient and warehouse, our booking calendars require bi-directional input to ensure that all parties are clued up and tapped into the process. Changing the booking process from a passive to an active one means that there is mutual responsibility and desire to have the meeting in the first place. 

By presenting your meeting availability upfront and catering to different event types with a time zone meeting planner, you can not only get a bird’s eye view of your prospect’s intention but also devise and configure your day accordingly. In placing the power in their hands, you’re also guaranteed a degree of certainty about the relevance of the meeting as the active selection process suggests that the engagement is something your prospects want to be doing. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of chasing a lead that doesn’t want to be chased, so if you can have less of that, do so!

In the same way that time slot management requires bi-directional inputs to arrange a successful handover, our meeting journey builder similarly does but with the help of a well set up form you can create additional opportunities for context by qualifying your incoming engagements to the nth degree and equip yourself with the requisite information to make the most of your meetings. 

How do you edit your time slot booking system settings?

Your time slot booking system  settings can be found on your booking page. From there you can exercise granular control over how you would like your time slots to be set up and designate rules and preferences like duration, starting times and the buffers between your available slots. 

Give some thought to the ideal engagements you would like to conduct and design your time slots accordingly. No two meetings are the same but with a little consistency and strategic thinking you can set yourself up for success in a few simple steps. 

What are the best time booking system management tips in 2023?

On top of a smarter approach to scheduling and time slot management, it is generally a good idea to practice mindfulness when it comes to your calendar and treating yourself with kindness to ensure continued success and of course, to avoid the dreaded burnout. 

Inbound opportunities are a blessing and should be seized as best you’re able, but you should never do so at the cost of your sanity and wellbeing. Here are some things you can consider when trying to manage your time efficiently and healthily. 

Audit your time slot management 

 If you’ve been reading this post, chances are you’re here because you already know your time is precious and you want to make the most of it. Time audits can be an invaluable way to stay abreast of your obligations, measure your output and figure out what is draining your capacity. Use a time tracking software or time slot booking system or even keep a log in your notes app every time you switch tasks and assess after you’ve accrued enough info to give yourself a little benchmark. You will be shocked to find out what you do on a daily basis that could be contributing to progress halts and productivity gaps. Be as truthful as possible and keep the audit private so you can be totally honest with yourself without fear of embarrassment.

Optimize your time slot scheduling software 

This one is a given too, but after your audit and a few cost-benefit analyses where your time is concerned, take some time to really figure out a workflow and process that best suits you and your needs. Your to-do list isn’t getting any smaller just sitting there, and sometimes going at it like a corollary won’t do. By optimizing your schedule and allowing yourself a bit of room to experiment and troubleshoot the way you approach your work can provide you with novel ways to stay on top of things and be prepared for the inevitable next wave of obligations. 

Don’t multitask with your time slot management 

Multitasking, much like micromanagement, is a fool’s errand. By trying to be too much we often end up being nothing at all and no one has ever looked back at a frantic spurt of multitasking and to-do list juggling and thought, damn, that was an excellent way to do that. Remember, jack of all trades, master of none. 

Try to create good distractions in between time slots

Procrastination and some distracted time are really par for the course and shouldn’t be cause for self-flagellation and deep remorseful bouts of ennui unless it is a serious and persistent issue. Try to avoid going down social media rabbit holes and wasting away behind a screen when procrastinating. If you’re occupied elsewhere and unable to commit to work at that very moment, why not indulge in a book or podcast or take a walk? You’ll probably feel a bit better about slacking off if you’re getting something other than a phone-induced dopamine hit from the experience!

Take breaks between time slots

Give yourself down time! No one can perform at 100%, 100% of the time so don’t try to be the first one to get it right. Pacing yourself and giving your brain some respite is never a bad idea and can lead to increased productivity and a renewed sense of ability. It always sounds implausible that a break could lead to better work, but it always does.


In short, with a bit of strategic thinking and configuration, you can make the most of your time slot reservation system and be a more prepared and capable influence on the way you go about doing your work. We’re all looking for ways to improve and optimize our approach to professional obligations and productivity, and we’re of the opinion that a well-managed calendar is the best way to start. 

To get started on taking control of your booking calendar and making the most of your time slots, sign up for free today and experience a smarter approach to scheduling.


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