How online scheduling improves lead generation for B2B companies
December 12, 2017
ScheduleOnce is an online scheduling software that helps B2B companies boost their lead generation activities. With ScheduleOnce, you can capture serious leads who are ready to engage by offering your website visitors or web form fillers a direct way to connect with your team.
In B2B lead generation, you want to connect with your prospects as quickly as possible. When leads visit your website, and show interest in your product or service, online scheduling is an ideal method for engagement. Prospects who are ready to engage can schedule demos and consultations with your organization directly on your website. This accelerates time-to-engagement, and generates higher quality leads.
Your B2B company likely uses a web form to generate leads. Online scheduling can be used to engage prospects who fill out your web form. Once prospects submit the form, they will simply be able to pick a time a time to meet with you. You can offer scheduling to all prospects who fill out your web form, or to top leads based on their form submission.
Alternatively, scheduling can be used to engage with all website visitors. You can place scheduling calls-to-action on your website pages, allowing all website visitors connect with you. This presents an open door policy, showing you are ready to engage with all interested leads.
Online scheduling can be a game-changer for improving lead generation for B2B companies. Read more about using ScheduleOne for B2B lead generation, and sign up for a free trial today.