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Office hours scheduling software

If you need to accept bookings for office hours it is a good idea to use a scheduling tool that has been specifically designed for this purpose. ScheduleOnce is an office hours scheduling system that is used by many educators and business professional for scheduling their office hours.


With ScheduleOnce you get a personal MeetMe page that includes a booking calendar with time slots in which you are available. It is possible to configure the time slots exactly as you like so that they display your real time availability with absolute accuracy.  When you accept a booking for office hours it can be automatically created in your calendar without requiring any action on your part. Alternatively, you can work in Booking with approval mode and approve each office hours request before it goes on your calendar.

With ScheduleOnce for office hours you will be saving valuable time and in addition, the students or people that need to schedule office hours with you will benefit from an easy to use tool and a satisfactory scheduling experience. When it comes to office hours scheduling software, ScheduleOnce is the top of the line. Give it a try by clicking the link. There is free trial on all paid plans.