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Aligning your team around the buyer’s journey

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Have you ever had that feeling when you're in a meeting and everyone is talking past each other? It's like your team isn't even on the same page. You know you need to get them aligned around the buyer's journey, but where do you start? This post will give you some tips for getting your team on the same page.

What is the buyer's journey?

If you're a business owner, it's important to understand the customer buying journey so that you can market your products or services effectively.

The buyer's journey is the process that consumers go through when they are considering a purchase. This journey includes three key stages: awareness, consideration, and decision.

At the awareness stage, consumers become aware of a problem or need that they have. They then begin to search for information about potential solutions to their problem.

At the consideration stage, consumers narrow down their options. They compare different products or services. They may also seek out reviews and opinions from friends or family before making a decision.

Finally, at the decision stage, consumers choose a product or service to buy. This decision depends on a variety of factors, including price, quality, and convenience.

What happens when sales, marketing, and the buyer journey are not aligned?

If sales and marketing are not aligned with the customer buyer journey, these teams may talk about features and benefits of their product or service. However, they're not focusing on what the buyer actually needs or wants. The buyer may become frustrated and confused, and give up on the purchase altogether.

A misalignment can also occur if the sales team is trying to sell to customers who are not yet ready to buy. For example, if a salesperson is trying to close a deal with a customer who is still in the awareness stage of the journey. The customer may feel pressured and may not have enough information to make an informed decision. In this case, the business would have more success if they were targeting consumers who are further along in the buyer journey stages.

An out-dated buyer journey map can also result in misalignment. In today's fast-paced, ever-changing world, the way that consumers make purchasing decisions has also changed. It's important for businesses to review and update their buyer journey maps. Otherwise, they run the risk of sales and marketing teams working in silos. This can lead to a lack of communication with each other or with customers.

Misalignment can cause businesses to struggle to generate leads or convert them into customers. They may also struggle to retain customers and keep them happy. In extreme cases, it can cause business failure. Therefore, it is vital that businesses align their team around the buyer’s journey.

Why should businesses align their team around the buyer's journey?

The buyer journey is only one part of the decision-making process for consumers. However, it is a critically important part. By understanding what consumers want and need at each stage of the journey, you can develop marketing and sales strategies that are much more likely to result in sales. Additionally, it will allow you to provide the information and support that consumers need to make a purchasing decision. This will result in a better overall customer experience.

How to align your team around the buyer’s journey

If you're still having trouble aligning your marketing and sales teams, or if you feel like your team could be working a little more cohesively together, consider using the buyer journey as a guide. By understanding where in the buying process your customer is, and what they are looking for at each stage, you can help both teams better understand their role in bringing the customer closer to purchase.

The first step is to make sure that everyone on your team understands the sales customer journey. Create a map of the buyer’s journey. Once everyone understands the buyer’s journey, they can start to think about how their role fits into each stage.

Next, you need to consider the tasks to be done at each stage. Draw up a task list or use a project management tool like Asana or Trello.

Finally, you need to make sure that your team members are actually doing the tasks that they are supposed to be doing. Set up a system of accountability, such as weekly check-ins or use a tool like RescueTime.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your team is aligned with the buyer’s journey and that everyone is aware of their role in the process. This will help to improve your marketing efforts and will make it easier to generate leads and close deals.


It is crucial for sales and marketing teams to be aligned with the buyer journey. The sales process is often too focused on closing the deal, rather than helping customers through the buying process. Marketing can help by providing resources that educate buyers and guide them through the purchasing decision. Sales and marketing teams need to work together to create a smooth customer experience that results in more sales. Businesses that take the time to align their team around the buyer’s journey will be rewarded with increased sales and happier customers. And remember, it's never too late to start! Even if your company has been around for years, there's always room for improvement when it comes to how well you're aligned with your customers.

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