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How to create an onboarding strategy that scales

Customer onboarding is one of the most important (and often overlooked) aspects of scaling a company. It's also one of the areas where you can make the biggest impact on your customer satisfaction and retention rates. But what happens when your product scales and your customer onboarding strategy can't keep up? Don't worry, we've got you covered in this guide.

What is a customer onboarding strategy?

A customer onboarding strategy is a plan for how you will welcome new customers to your business and help them get started using your products or services. The goal of an onboarding strategy is to create a smooth and satisfying experience for new customers, so they stick around long-term.

There are a few key elements that should be included in any customer onboarding strategy:

  1. Communication - How will you communicate with new customers? This might include automated emails and in-app messages.
  2. Education - What kind of educational materials will you provide to help new customers learn about your products or services? This might include tutorials, videos, FAQs, or user manuals.
  3. Support - How will you support new customers if they run into any problems? This might include live chat, phone support, or email support.

What are some best practices for customer onboarding strategy?

Effective onboarding strategies can be tricky to create. You want to make sure you cover all your bases, but you don't want to overwhelm new customers with too much information at once. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  1. Make sure your entire team is on the same page.
    All team members should be aware of the customer onboarding process and what their role in it is. This will help to ensure a smooth and cohesive experience for the customer.
  2. Simplify the process as much as possible.
    The customer onboarding process should be as streamlined and simple as possible. Too many steps or complicated procedures can lead to frustration and confusion for the customer.
  3. Personalize the experience.
    Wherever possible, personalize the customer onboarding experience. This could involve using the customer's name, providing a custom welcome message, or tailoring the experience to the customer's needs.
  4. Set expectations upfront.
    Be clear about what the customer can expect from the onboarding process and what is required of them. This will help to avoid any surprises or disappointments later on.
  5. Provide plenty of support.
    Make sure there is adequate support available for the customer throughout the process. This could involve having a dedicated support team, providing online help resources, or offering live chat assistance.
  6. Get feedback and make improvements.
    Regularly solicit feedback from customers and use it to improve the onboarding experience. You could implement changes to the process itself or adjust your team's approach to onboarding.
  7. Use a scheduling app.
    There are a number of scheduling apps available that can streamline the customer onboarding process. Scheduling apps can be used to schedule customer calls or appointments, or to send reminders and follow-up messages.
  8. Automate where possible.
    Automating parts of the customer onboarding process can help to save time and improve efficiency. E.g. you could use automation tools to send welcome emails or track customer progress.
  9. Make it a positive experience.
    The customer onboarding process is an opportunity to make a good first impression and set the tone for the relationship. It's important to focus on making it a positive experience for the customer.
  10. Keep it consistent.
    It's important to maintain a consistent approach to customer onboarding, even as you make improvements and changes. This will help to ensure that the process is always smooth and seamless for the customer.

Incorporating these best practices will allow you to create a customer onboarding process that is efficient, effective, and positive for both you and your customers.

How to make sure that your onboarding process is scalable

When creating your customer onboarding strategy, it is important to make sure that the process is scalable. This means that it can be easily adapted or expanded to accommodate new customers or changes in customer needs.

  1. Use a flexible platform.
    When choosing a platform for your customer onboarding process, make sure to choose one that is flexible and easy to use. This will make it easier to add or remove steps as needed and to adapt the process for different customers.
  2. Keep it simple
    A complex customer onboarding process can be difficult to scale. Keep the process as simple as possible so that it can be easily adapted when necessary.
  3. Incorporate automation.
    Automation can help to make the customer onboarding process more scalable. This could involve using automation tools to send welcome emails or track customer progress.
  4. Use templates.
    Using templates can help to make sure that your customer onboarding process is consistent and easy to scale. You could use a template for customer welcome emails or for creating new customer profiles.
  5. Train your team.
    Make sure your team is properly trained on the customer onboarding process. In doing this, you will ensure that they are able to effectively execute the process and make any necessary adjustments when needed.
  6. Use data to drive decisions.
    When making decisions about the customer onboarding process, use data to guide you. Track customer satisfaction levels and analyze customer feedback.
  7. Be prepared to change course.
    Be flexible and be prepared to make changes to the customer onboarding process as needed. You could, for example, add new steps or remove existing ones based on customer feedback or changing needs.
  8. Have a plan B.
    In case of unforeseen circumstances, make sure you have a backup plan for your customer onboarding process; for example, a contingency plan for customer support or creating a fail-safe for critical data.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your customer onboarding process is scalable and able to adapt to changing needs.

What should you avoid when designing an onboarding process?

There are a few things to avoid when designing an effective onboarding process:

  1. Don't make it too long or complex.
    The customer onboarding process should be concise and easy to understand. If it is too long or complex, customers may get frustrated and give up.
  2. Don't rely too heavily on automation.
    While automation can help to improve efficiency, it should not be relied upon too heavily. This could result in an impersonal and inflexible customer onboarding experience.
  3. Don't forget to review and update the process regularly
    The customer onboarding process should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure it is still relevant and effective. This could involve adding new elements to the process or making changes based on feedback from customers.


Successful onboarding is an important part of ensuring that your business can scale effectively. By taking the time to plan out how you will welcome and help new customers, you can make sure that everyone has a positive experience with your company – from the very first interaction. And with the right tips and tools in your arsenal, it’s definitely doable. We hope this article has given you a few ideas to start with as you create or improve your customer onboarding experience.

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