Why health and wellness organizations should be using online scheduling for lead generation

Consumers in the health and wellness industry are becoming more reliant on online tools for making decisions and connecting with their health providers.
To stay competitive, you need to ensure your lead generation strategies are aligned with modern consumer behavior.
Online scheduling can be a powerful solution to help boost your lead generation activities and easily engage with consumers. Whether you are offering consultations, treatments, or training, consumers will be able to connect with your team and book the appointment they desire. This ensures contact is established when interest is high and accelerates time to engagement. How is this achieved with online scheduling?
Here are some of the top reasons your organization should be using online scheduling for lead generation.
Be available to accept appointments 24/7
Consumers often think about health and personal care outside of normal working hours. In fact, approximately 70% of online appointments are made between the hours of 8 PM and 3 AM. If you want to capture these leads, you need to offer scheduling during these hours. With online scheduling, leads interested in your service can book their appointments when it is convenient for them. This eliminates the risk of losing leads who are unable to reach you.
Allow leads to connect with preferred team members
Consumers in the health and wellness industry want to know who is providing their service. They may prefer to meet with a specific team member whom they were recommended, or who has a certain specialization. With online scheduling, your leads can easily view a list of your team members and schedule with the provider they prefer. Allowing leads to establish this personal connection helps them convert into long time clients.
Remind and be flexible with schedule changes
It is no secret that no-shows are a big problem when meeting with new leads. People are busy and may forget about their appointment, or another obligation may come up. With ScheduleOnce, you can send email and SMS notifications to remind leads about their upcoming appointment. In the event that someone can't make it, allowing them to easily reschedule gives them an incentive to find a better time, rather than skip their appointment altogether.
This article is a preview of our webinar on using online scheduling for lead generation in the health and wellness industry. To learn more, watch the full webinar here.
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