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Add scheduled meetings to your existing webforms with SubmitOnce

SubmitOnce allows you to add smart lead qualification and instant engagement options to your existing webforms. Visitors complete your form as normal and then you decide if or how you want to engage with them.

Comparing a basic weform flow to a webform flow enhanced by SubmitOnce

Two user flows, shown side by side.

Flow 1, Visitor did not meet qualification rules: A "Contact us" webform with the following completed fields: Name: Jon Appleseed; Email:; Company (a dropdown): Appleseed, Inc.; Team size: Less than 10 people; and Product (a dropdown): Standard 500.

The mouse cursor is positioned over the Send button, and a success message below the button reads: "Thank you for your interest. Our team will contact you by email in the next few days."

Flow 2, Visitor met qualification rules: A webform similar to that in Flow 1 (but with the "Team size" dropdown set to "50 to 100 people", and the "Product" dropdown set to "Enterprise 2000") is overlapped by a smart chatbot conversation in a dialog box.

The chatbot conversation reads:

Chatbot: "Hi Jon, I see that you're interested in our Enterprise 2000 product. How would you like to connect with our team?"

3 choices are presented to the user: "Join a live chat right now" (which is selected), and "Start an instant video call", and "Schedule a meeting".

To learn more about SubmitOnce, check out our blog article on how to supercharge your existing webforms with SubmitOnce.

Use SubmitOnce and scheduled meetings to engage with qualified leads

Scheduled meetings are a great way for you or your team to engage with qualified leads. You can show them time slots for when your team is available and then they can pick the one that works best for their own schedule. You can even offer panel meetings by showing the combined availability of multiple team members.

SubmitOnce will automatically send calendar invitations and confirmation emails with secure video links, so there's no need for any back and forth emails. It will also update your Google, Office 365, Exchange/Outlook, or iCloud calendar so that you and your team never get double booked.

A scheduled meeting being booked after a webform is submitted.

A completed webform that is followed by a chatbot conversation.

The chatbot conversation reads as follows:

Chatbot: "Hi Jon, would you like to schedule a meeting with our team?" User:"Yes, please"

A booking dialog is displayed within the chat conversation, prompting the user to schedule a time. This results in a second dialog stating "Your meeting is confirmed".

Use SubmitOnce and scheduled meetings to qualify leads

Scheduled meetings are also a great way for you or your team to engage with warm leads and to decide if they qualify as a good fit for your business. For example, you might want to offer a free 15-minute consultation if they meet most of your qualification criteria or if you need to collect additional information.

If your team decides to qualify the lead during the call, they can then arrange a follow-up meeting for them to meet with an account executive or technical specialist.

A scheduled meeting with a team being booked after a webform is submitted.

A webform has been submitted and, based on the information provided in the webform, the lead has been qualified. A chatbot overlaps the webform, a booking dialog is displayed within the chat conversation, prompting the user to schedule a time. This results in a second dialog stating "Your meeting is confirmed". Photos of 3 team members are displayed beside the booking dialog.

Getting started with SubmitOnce

If you're interested in getting started with SubmitOnce, please contact our Sales team for more information.

And remember, research shows that 78% of customers buy from the company that responds first1. So don't keep your leads waiting!

Smart scheduling that connects prospects and customers with the right people in your team

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Smart chatbots that qualify leads and connect them instantly with the right people in your team

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Smart forms that qualify leads and connect them instantly with the right people in your team

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Smart lead qualification and instant engagement for your existing webforms

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1 Source: LeadConnect