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Boost your PTM conferences with OnceHub’s education scheduling software

Why you need education scheduling software at your school 

The classroom is a sacred space, be it IRL or virtual. The calling to help shape and guide young minds is no simple task and teachers are often considered the unsung heroes of society because the job tends to be a bit of a thankless effort. 

The classroom and education industry is also changing, and rapidly so. Our definition of a classroom has morphed from a rectangular room crammed with as many desks as possible to something more akin to the knowledge sharing forums and networks of old, and that is a great thing. Education is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor and we should embrace change and innovation in one of the most crucial sectors that impacts nearly all people on the planet. Finding ways to optimize and build upon the didactic tradition are exciting and should be welcomed at every turn, and we’d like to think we have something that could do just that. 

While this approach might not necessarily work for all and the market might be slow to adopt such changes in favor of a more traditional approach, here is why we think the introduction of a few simple, no code education scheduling software or solutions can help you to focus on what really matters; inspiring the next generation of independent thinkers and industrious workers. 

Education scheduling software with chatbots for online schools 

  • Education scheduling software with 24/7 assistance:  

If you work in the field of education, you have probably encountered students’ proclivity for dealing with assignments at the eleventh hour. Oftentimes, students need assistance with their tasks and teachers simply cannot be available at all hours of the day to provide it. With a smartly set up digital assistant, you can route students’ questions to resources and information to assist them whenever they might need it, or provide them access to a booking page or scheduling tool so you can help them later, providing they’re not straddling the deadline too closely. 

  • Education scheduling software with AI API assistance: 

If you’re really savvy, you could integrate an API that makes use of artificial intelligence and machine learning that could assist your students with real-time Q&A and information sharing as they need it. AI is a contentious issue where education is involved and we know that any mention of it in the sector is extremely controversial, but the changes and disruption it brings will need clever workarounds and strategic implementation. Why not embrace it by using it to your students’ advantage and provide a healthy dynamic with the newest technological advances?

  • Education scheduling software that creates interactive learning environments: 

Chatbots can engage students in interactive learning experiences. With the right setup and a bit of clever configuration, they can deliver quizzes, interactive lessons, or practice exercises to reinforce learning and assess understanding. Chatbots can provide immediate feedback on student responses, helping them to identify areas for improvement and promoting active learning in a participatory manner.

Booking pages or education scheduling for parent teacher conferences 

  • Simplified education scheduling software for schools:

OnceHub booking pages provide a simple and user-friendly way for parents to schedule conference appointments with teachers. Instead of exchanging multiple emails or making phone calls to coordinate availability, parents can easily view teachers' availability and book a time slot that suits them with the help of education scheduling software.

  • Flexibility and convenience of using OnceHub education scheduling software: 

OnceHub scheduling software booking pages allow parents to choose from a range of available time slots based on their own schedules. This flexibility eliminates the need for back-and-forth communication and accommodates busy parents who may have conflicting commitments. Parents can select a time that works best for them, ensuring a higher attendance rate for conferences.

  • Automated reminders through education scheduling software: 

OnceHub's school scheduling software booking pages can automatically send reminders to parents regarding their scheduled conference appointments. These reminders help parents stay organized and ensure that they don't miss their appointments. By reducing no-shows, automated reminders contribute to more efficient and productive conferences.

  • Time efficiency through education scheduling software: 

With OnceHub booking pages, the scheduling process becomes more streamlined and less time-consuming for both teachers and parents. Teachers can pre-determine their availability and avoid the hassle of manually coordinating conference schedules. Parents can quickly book their preferred time slot without the need for lengthy email exchanges or phone calls by using OnceHub education scheduling software.

Successful routing for school managers 

We recently interacted with a school manager that expressed a need for implementing automated processes to help her do her job to the best of her ability. As she deals with incoming traffic ranging from parent enquiries, teachers requiring assistance and students she wondered if there wasn’t a better way to conduct these affairs and after speaking with us, we think we have found a solution in the form of education scheduling software. 

The school manager in question was receiving a swathe of messages and requests from people across the engagement spectrum and a lot of it was falling on deaf ears as she couldn’t adequately allocate them to relevant persons or resources. So we devised an effective, potential solution. 

School scheduling software

When deciding between a traditional OnceHub booking page and one of our newer Pages, she opted for creating her own Page so that she could route and field incoming requests and make sure the right people can respond to them. With a little help configuring her setup, her Page’s chatbot could immediately route parents and teachers by making the designation a selectable tab. This allows her to create conversational flows that are specific to each and get visitors to their required destination or information much, much quicker.

By embedding relevant information into her chatbots’ conversational flows, the school manager was able to provide visitors with booking information specific to both teachers and parents, provide them with resources that could answer their questions and even divulge emergency helplines when necessary. 

Best school and education scheduling software

As the landscape of education and resultantly, education scheduling software, changes and people become used to immediacy and streamlined interactions via digital intervention, isn’t it in all of our best interests to not only stay abreast of transformation but implement it strategically into the way in which we engage and interact with people?

To get started with a free trial and see how you can benefit from a smarter approach to scheduling and the spectrum of engagements, click here.