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How to qualify leads using a chatbot

Chatbot lead qualification tips

  1. Always ask lead qualifying questions according to relevant industry. 
  2. Try to get a sense of volume and amounts pertaining to the usage of your services.
  3. If you're operating as financial advisor, enquire about salary range. 
  4. Try to ascertain geographical location and region. 
  5. Enquire about the urgency of their request.
  6. Discover more about their business processes and how they plan to implement yours. 
  7. Get a sense of their qualifications and educational background for your lead qualification. 
  8. Ask people to provide specifics on their scenario. 

Lead qualification is an important step in your customer journey. You could have thousands of website visitors showing an interest in your services. Isn’t that a great problem to have? All these website visitors may want to meet with you. Unfortunately, time isn't limitless and you can’t meet with everyone. If these visitors are not your ideal customers, you may end up wasting a lot of time. 

Thankfully, there are ways to qualify website leads as a good fit for your products or services. Implementing automated lead qualification on your website will be a huge time-saver.

Chatbot software qualification

How can I qualify leads using a chatbot?

You can set up website chatbots to ask the right questions. They can schedule meetings with only the leads likely to convert to paying customers.

Qualified scheduling chatbots

Qualified appointment scheduling chatbots qualify website visitors with a few key questions. Once qualified, they invite these leads to schedule a meeting with your team. They are ideal for pages where you want to engage all visitors but only let qualified leads schedule. Leads who don't meet the qualification criteria can watch a video, be contacted by email, or be directed to another page on your website.

Qualified scheduling chatbots automate repetitive tasks, accelerating leads through the customer journey. 

Delight your website visitors by engaging them and guiding them to the right content. Delight qualified leads by letting them instantly schedule a meeting at the time of their choice. Save time by ensuring that your team only meets with the right people.

You can customize qualified scheduling chatbots by creating different chatbots for different audiences. For example, first-time visitors may want to learn about your business in the conversation. You can speed up the lead qualification process for returning visitors who are likely to already know your business. 

You can also create different qualification questions for different sections of your website. For example, you may have multiple products or services each with a unique set of qualification criteria.

Chatbot software 24-7-1

What are some good lead qualification questions for your chatbot?

Questions can vary by business, and the outcomes required. That said, here are some of the typical qualifications questions we’ve seen by industry.

B2B SaaS Lead Qualification

  • How many employees would need to use our platform?
  • What volume of queries do you receive each month?
  • How do you manage this process today? 

Interested in B2B SaaS chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Digital services Lead Qualification

  • What's your expected website traffic in the next 12 months?
  • What's your expected e-commerce revenue in the next 12 months?
  • What are your main business challenges?

Interested in digital services chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Financial advisors Lead Qualification

  • What is your annual income?
  • What is your net worth?
  • Where do you live for tax purposes?

Interested in financial services chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Professional services Lead Qualification

  • How many employees in your company?
  • What is your annual company revenue?
  • How do you currently manage this process?

Interested in professional services chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Healthcare Lead Qualification

  • Are you an existing patient?
  • What kind of appointment do you want to book?
  • Which medical professional would you prefer to see?

Interested in healthcare chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Education Lead Qualification

  • Do you have a high school diploma?
  • Are you a transfer student?
  • Which subject are you interested in applying for?

Interested in education chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

E-Learning Lead Qualification

  • What subject are you interested in?
  • What level of tutoring are you looking for?
  • Which tutor would you like to meet with?

Interested in E-Learning chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Consulting Lead Qualification

  • What's your expected revenue in the next 12 months?
  • When do you want to get started?
  • What are your main business challenges?

Interested in consulting chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Coaching Lead Qualification

  • How much professional work experience do you have?
  • What's your current level of responsibility?
  • What are your professional development needs?

Interested in coaching chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Recruitment Lead Qualification

  • What is your highest level of qualification?
  • How many hours a week would you be willing to work?
  • Which of our locations would you want to work from?

Interested in recruitment chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Fitness Lead Qualification

  • Are you an existing customer? 
  • What kind of appointment do you want to book?
  • Who would you like to schedule a session with?

Interested in fitness chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Lifestyle Lead Qualification

  • Do you have a health condition?
  • What kind of treatment are you looking for?
  • Who would you like to schedule a session with?

Interested in lifestyle chatbot templates for lead qualification? Try one out now. 

Chatbot software demos templates CopyWebsite chatbots are a great addition to the customer experience on your website and perfect for qualifying your leads. Not only are they engaging, and informative, but they allow you to filter your website visitors. This means you will be able to prioritize your high value website leads. Use chatbots to invest in the qualified leads who are most likely to convert to paying customers.

Need some help getting started with chatbots for lead qualification? It's easy to get up and running with one of our qualified scheduling chatbot templates