Improve Your Chatbots and Forms with the OnceHub Routing Map

Video transcript This is a quick introduction to our routing map.

OnceHub chatbots and forms are simple to manage when you only include a couple of questions and offer scheduling. When you start to add multiple screening questions, route visitors to different teams, incorporate live engagements and more, it can become more difficult to to check and improve the conversational flow.

That’s why we created the routing map. Let’s take a look at what it can do.

Here I’ve built a chatbot with some screening questions, and some routing. The routing settings in the builder makes it easy to set up flows using plain language.

For example, if I look at the services question, and go to the routing tab, I can say, if this answer is retirement planning, then route them to the retirement planning video.

But I’d like to verify the flow visually too. So I’ll click on the routing map button.

The first thing I notice, is this red highlighted action. The error icon is showing me that no interaction routes into this one. So there's no way a visitor could ever reach this step.

To fix that, I'll click on the services question on the map and an additional rule. If this answer is investment advice, then route to, the investment advice video and click save.

If I check the rest of our flow, one thing I'm noticing over here, is that when we miss an instant call from a visitor, they're being asked some follow-up questions, and then sent to an end action which would close the conversation with us.

A better option would be that if we miss their call, we immediately offer them a schedule action.

So I'll click on the missed call interaction and say always route to the schedule a meeting interaction, and click save.

This is a very brief introduction to the routing map but we'd encourage you to try it out for yourself. If you need any further assistance you can find it on, or from the help menu in the OnceHub application.

Thanks for watching 👋