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FormOnce | 15-minute walk-through

Video transcript Hi there, I’m Elva from OnceHub and I’m here to give you a 15 minute walk through of FormOnce.

If you’re looking for a shorter video, we also have a 1 minute introduction or a 5 minute explainer to help you get started.

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In this video, I’ll show you how to build smart forms to capture, qualify and engage with leads in minutes not days.

I’ll cover three areas:
How to build a quick form from a template
How to build a qualification form from scratch
And lastly, I’ll walk through some more advanced lead acceleration features to really help out your sales and marketing team members.

There are multiple ways to share or publish your forms.
Standalone forms can be built within OnceHub and simply shared as a link
Pop-up forms can be added to your site to open from a call to action, such as a button or link
Or you can embed a form within a page of your website, or landing pages

If you’d like to preview templates before you start, you'll find them on the FormOnce page of our website. They’re interactive and a great way to get a feel for what FormOnce can do.

To get started, log into OnceHub, go to Setup, select FormOnce and click ‘’Create form’’
You’ll see template options here. Let’s select the qualified scheduling form template.
And let’s call it Demo meeting.
Here you can see the builder.
On the right you’ll see the interactions pane.
This contains all the questions and actions you’ll need to build a smart form.
But because we’re creating one from a template, all the necessary interactions are already added. You can see them here in the middle of the screen.

Let’s walk through the flow.

In this hypothetical example, let’s say we’re a company that makes software for customer support teams. Our product works well for larger companies so our sales agents' time is best used speaking with organizations who fit that criteria.

So this screening question is perfect, but let’s say the team sizes we cater to are a bit higher, we can just click on the interaction, and edit the answer options.

Now I’m going to set up the scheduling action. While the action is already included in the template, we need to add the details - what kind of meeting it should be, and who should those meetings be assigned to.

For this case, let’s use a 30 minute event type, and we want to assign all of these meetings to our lead sales person, Sally Sales. Now let’s preview that!

And it’s as simple as that to get started. But if the templates don’t meet your needs, maybe you’d like to create a form from scratch.

So for our next example, let’s do that.

For this scenario, let’s say we’re a financial advice firm. We’d automatically qualify any leads whose income is in a certain bracket or higher. For those who qualify, we also want to know if they’d like to meet at our office in Dallas, or opt for a video call.

We’ll come back to click create a new form, but instead of selecting a template, we’ll choose start from scratch.

Let’s start with a nice simple question for the visitor, by just asking their name.

We’ll pull over the text question

Next we’re going to pull in our qualifying question: What is your income?
Income: Less than $50k, $50k-100k, More than $100k

I’m also going to ask how or where they’d like to meet Dallas Office, or Video Call

I’m going to add two scheduling actions - and set each one up for the different locations.

Instead of assigning these meetings to individuals, I’m going to select a team, or resource pool, so that meetings are distributed between all the members of those teams.

I'm going to add an email question, to collect the email of leads who don’t qualify. We’ll already be capturing the email for qualified leads, as they need to enter this to schedule the meeting.

Lastly, I'm going to add an end message for visitors who don’t qualify. Let’s review those steps.

Now let’s get into the magic.

As you saw briefly when we created a form from a template, every interaction you click on, has a routing tab. This is where you choose which interaction a visitor sees next, based on their response.

By default, new interactions will always go to the next interaction in the sequence
You can choose to always route it to a specific interaction
Or you can use rule-based routing.

This lets you choose which visitors should be led to which interaction next, based on their responses. This is the key to screening questions or conditional logic.

Let’s set up rule-based routing for these interactions.

If income is 50k or 50-100k, route to the email question, we won’t consider these visitors qualified, but we still want to capture their details.

If income is 100-200k or More than 200k route to the location choice. For the location choice, we’ll set it to go to the right schedule actions.

The email question will already route to the next question, so those unqualified leads will already automatically go to the unqualified end message.

Great - so let’s preview that. That’s working great.

For the last section of this video, let’s take a look at how much more we can do to accelerate tasks that would otherwise be manual and time consuming for our sales and marketing team members.

First, let’s take a look at email alerts
Email alerts are just as easy to use as any other step in the builder. They’re invisible, in that they’ll never be seen by your visitors.

In this scenario, with the financial advisors, let’s say the sales manager needs to keep tabs on how many meetings are getting booked.

Let’s add an email alert for them.

Drag the action into the builder, and add the user to be notified.

Our routing currently goes from the schedule action, to the qualified end message, so let’s route this step to go to that qualified end message. As it sits in the middle between these two steps.

Now we’ll go into routing for the schedule action, and route it to the alert And that’s it, you can add as many users to be notified as you need to, and you can add different alerts for different users for information that’s relevant or helpful to them.

Next, let’s take a look at the contact status action. This action lets you automatically mark a lead as qualified, marketing qualified, sales qualified, or disqualified.

Let’s say we always want a contact to be marked as sales qualified if they’re in a certain income bracket.

We’ll pull a contact status action in under that question.

Only sales qualified leads will reach this action, so we’ll route from here straight onto location choice.

Then we’ll go back to the routing for the income question, and ensure only the higher bracket leads, are routed to that step.

You can see the contact status anywhere you find the contact pane, such as the activity stream, and live chat inbox. And, you can also update it manually from the activity stream. This will be really useful for any agents having a live chat conversation with a returning sales qualified lead, and will ensure your visitors have a speedy route through to the right person or team in your organization.

Now let’s look at our Sync contact to CRM action.

This is only available if you’ve connected your OnceHub account to a CRM, like Salesforce. You can then add the Sync Contact interaction anywhere in the builder.

Let’s add it for all the leads that qualified for a scheduled meeting.

Similar to the contact status action, and email alert action, this is an invisible step that your visitors won’t see, but your sales team will thank you for!

And that’s everything we’re going to go through for today. If you’d like more information, videos, templates or demos, visit Or access 24/7 live chat support and our knowledge base from the Help menu within the application at any time.

Thank you for watching and we hope this was valuable. Have a great day.

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