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Scheduled meetings & Live chat | 15-minute walk-through | Video

Video transcript Hi there, I’m Elva from OnceHub and I’m here to give you a walk through video of live chat and scheduled meetings.

If you’re looking for a shorter video, we also have 5 minute explainers video to help you get started.

You can access our help center and 24/7 live chat support from within the application at any time. And you’ll find lead acceleration ideas and inspiration on our blog.

In this video, I’ll show you how to add live chat and scheduled meetings to smart forms, chatbots and booking pages, so that you can capture, qualify and engage with leads in minutes not days.

Offering live chat doesn’t mean you have to be available 24/7. Smart forms and chatbots will only offer live chat when you’re available. When you’re not, they can automatically offer a scheduled meeting instead. Even if your default method of lead engagement is scheduled meetings, it’s not your only option. OnceHub’s smart forms and chatbots can identify piping hot leads, and only offer them live chat, while continuing to offer other leads a scheduled meeting.

Let’s move over to the demo, and I’ll show you how you can get started with live chat!

I’ll walk through how you can:
Create live chat teams
Add live chat to bots/forms
Respond to live chat conversations
Manage your live chat availability

Creating live chat teams

Live chat teams allow you to instantly connect qualified leads from your bots or forms, with the right people in your organization. For example, you could create separate live chat teams for Sales and Customer Success, and use screening questions in your bots and forms to decide which team should be assigned to the conversation.

Let’s create a Sales live chat team.

In the top navigation bar, click on the settings icon and select Live chat teams
Click on Add team and give your team a name
Select all the users that you want to include.

You can add any user to a live chat team, but they’ll only be able to receive live chats if they’ve also been assigned a live chat license.

That's it! Your live chat team is ready to be used in your bots and forms.

So let’s go ahead and add it to one.

For now, we’ll add it to a chatbot, but the process is the same for forms.

First navigate to ChatOnce from the Setup menu. We’re going to select a bot we’ve already created.

As you can see, we’re asking a screening questions first.

How many employees are in your organization?
Under 100,

I’m going to drag in a live chat action, from the actions tab on the right.

We’re going to give it a label and then select the Sales team we just created.

You can also edit the handoff message - the message a visitor sees while they wait for an agent to respond.

Customize how long an agent has to respond, in the timeout settings.

Edit the timeout message.

This is what the visitor sees if an agent hasn’t responded within the timeout period.

And send notifications for the incoming chat to another platform such as Google Chat, Slack or Microsoft Teams.

But let’s also ensure that only qualified leads are offered live chat. I’ll go into the routing tab for our screening question. Set up routing. Let’s preview that Visit link and qualify for live chat, send a message as a visitor.

And this is a great segue to show you how to manage live chat conversations.

Everyone in the sales team we just created will be notified when a new live chat comes in.

If you have the OnceHub app open in a browser tab, you'll hear a ringing when a visitor requests a new live chat conversation. A red circle will also appear in the top navigation bar next to Live chat.

When you click into Live chat, you’ll see a countdown showing how much time you have left to accept the chat. I’m going to accept and respond. Just type your response, and click the send button.

Let’s say we’ve gotten a few more details about this visitor, they seem like a great fit for our product, and they’re interested in getting a live demo. We can send them a scheduled meeting invite to meet with someone from our sales team.

Click on the scheduled meeting icon.

I’ll select our live demo event type, and choose the sales team as the booking owner, so it will be assigned to one of the members of that team. And hit send!

Let’s see what that would look like for the visitor.

When you've finished your live chat conversation, simply mark it as closed.

Lastly, let’s take a look at how you manage your live chat availability.

Changing your availability for live chat conversations is quick and easy.

In the top navigation bar, click on your profile icon.

To make yourself available for live chat, turn on the accept chats toggle.

To make yourself unavailable, turn it off.

Scheduled meetings are a great engagement option that allow you to keep leads moving through the funnel, even when you’re not immediately available. They’re a great fallback for live chat, and they can also be a great option for a visitor who isn’t free to engage in a live chat, but would love to talk more at a time that suits them better.

In this demo, I’ll walk through:
Event types and booking pages.
Resource pools which are like scheduling teams.
Add scheduled meetings to bots and forms.
Add scheduled meetings to master pages.
And setting your availability for scheduled meetings.

Let’s go through the things you’ll need set up in order to start using scheduled meetings.

Come to the setup menu, and select ScheduleOnce.

Even if you’ve just created your account, you’ll see some default event types here, a default booking page, and a default master page.

Event types control the duration of meetings, as well as some other settings.

When you create your account, you’ll already have a 15min, 30min and 60min event types. But if you need more, you can create as many as you like.

Booking pages control the booking owner, and the location of a meeting - whether that location is virtual or physical. Each user in your account who needs to accept scheduled meetings should have at least one booking page. And just like we created teams for live chat, you can use those booking pages to create resource pools - which are like scheduling teams.

Once you’ve created the event types, booking pages and resource pools you need, you’ll be ready to add scheduled meetings to your bots, forms and master pages.

Let's add a scheduled meeting to a form, though the process is the same for adding them to chatbots.

I’ve already created this form, we’re asking a qualifying question, and qualified leads will then be offered a scheduled meeting. And that’s it.

If you’d like to share scheduled meetings on a standalone link, without the kind of qualification and routing that forms and bots offer, you can do this with Booking pages and Master pages.

Each booking page has it’s own booking link, so that user can share it with anyone they need to. But you can add any combination of event types, and booking pages or resource pools to Master pages too.

Let’s set one up here.

But you want to make sure agents are only scheduled with within their working hours. To set your availability, go to your profile menu.

Recurring Date specific Users should also connect their work calendar. This will ensure they’re never double booked, as it accounts for all of their busy time, and will also add events to their calendar for each meeting booked.

To finish up, let’s look at a great way to use live chat and scheduled meetings together in the same form or bot.

We’ll come back to the bot we added live chat to earlier.

Add a scheduled meeting.

Add single select - how would you like to engage.

Set routing for availability of live chat agents.

Preview with my availability on.

Preview with my availability off.

This helps manage a visitor’s expectations, there’s no point keeping a potential customer waiting for a response, when no one is available.

You can also set up routing so that if no agent responds, the visitor is also offered a scheduled meeting instead.

And that’s everything we’re going to cover today.

If you’d like to learn more about live chat and scheduled meetings, you can find them on these pages of our website.

You’ll also always find our 24/7 live chat support, and our knowledgebase from the in app help menu.

I hope this has helped you get started with lead engagement. Thanks for watching, and have a great day!

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