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Scheduled meetings | 5-minute explainer | Video

Video transcript Hi there. I'm Elva from OnceHub and this is a 5-minute explainer video for our scheduled meetings.

How to schedule meetings is demonstrated in this brief video

If you're looking for a longer video that walks you through the setup for scheduled meetings, we have that available on our website and YouTube channel. But this explainer video for scheduling meetings is a great place to start.

So, what are scheduled meetings and how can they reduce your time to lead engagement?

The OnceHub platform is designed to help you capture, qualify and engage with leads more quickly. We call that lead acceleration. It's all about eliminating the delays between a visitor arriving on your website and being able to engage with your team.

We offer three ways to engage with your leads, and these can be used across different products. First, there's live chat, which you can use in our chatbots, and is coming soon for our smart forms.

Live chat allows leads to connect instantly with you or your team in a live chat conversation. Instant meetings, are coming soon to our smart forms and chatbots. These will allow leads to connect instantly with you or your team with a video call or phone call.

And finally, there are scheduled meetings, which you can use in all our products. These allow leads to schedule a time to meet with you or your team by video, phone, or in person.

Let's look at how scheduled meetings work from the visitor's perspective. First, they're going to interact with a form or a bot on your website that takes care of basic lead capture questions. For example, what's your name, email, company website, job, title, etc.

Next, the form or bot can ask them a few lead qualification questions. For example, how large is your team, what's your annual revenue, or when are you ready to start? You might also want to ask some routing or assignment questions so that you can match the lead with the right team.

Now, the magic moment when your form or bot can give leads who have qualified, a choice of engagement options. For example, join a live chat right now, start an instant video call, receive a phone call, or schedule a meeting.

But let’s move over to a live demo to see this in action.

We're using an embedded form on a Contact page here but the experience would be similar for our other publishing options for bots or forms. And we’re using a financial services firm for this example but the approach would be the same for different industries.

Now, the visitor has clicked through to this Contact page, so it's not unreasonable to ask them for some personal information right away. In other situations, you might want to ask some warm-up qualification questions first.

Today we're going to be Jane Smith. And our email is going to be

Now we have a qualification question: What's your annual income? You can configure these screening questions however you want and you decide which responses count as "qualified" or not. In this example, we're going to go large and select an annual income of more than $200k.

Which brings us to a second qualification question: What's your net worth? Again, we'll go large and select a net worth of more than $5m.

Great. Jane Smith has passed both qualification questions and now we're going to ask a routing question: Which of our offices is closest to you? Even if this is going to be a video meeting, we still want to assign the lead to their nearest office. Now, if Jane hadn't passed the qualification questions, then we could have used conditional routing to show a completely different message, perhaps saying that someone would get back to her by email.

But… we're a qualified lead here and so we're going to select Houston as the closest office.

Now, time for some lead engagement. How would you like to connect with our team? Join a live chat right now or Schedule a meeting for later. We'll go with "Schedule a meeting" and Jane now gets to choose a date and time that works for her schedule. The form is only going to show dates and times when your team is available, so there's never any risk of getting double booked.

We'll pick our preferred time… click confirm… …and that's it!

The meeting is confirmed and OnceHub will automatically send out a confirmation email and a calendar invitation with a secure video conferencing link.

So, let's just recap what happened there…
We captured the lead by asking for their contact name and email…
We qualified the lead automatically by asking about their annual income and net worth…
And we locked down an engagement with that qualified lead by letting them immediately schedule a meeting at a time that suits them.
We also used conditional routing to make sure that it was assigned to the right office and person.

So, this is a very quick introduction for scheduled meetings but there's so much more that it can do, we just can't fit it all into this video. But don't worry, we have more information, videos, and demos for you… just visit

Thank you for watching and we hope this was valuable. Have a great day!

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